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my lates work. hand thrown, thin walled, bowls and cups
Meet the Maker

Meet Kathrin
Settling down in Switzerland after extensive travels around the world, I had the urge to find a productive outlet for my creativity.
I had taught arts and crafts in my early years in Switzerland. Working with clay was always my favourite. On my more recent explorations with clay and porcelain I had to learn that the material teaches you patience and lets you know when it is ready for the next step in the process of the making. I have taken many courses including throwing, at which I am still a beginner.
My inspirations come mostly from the ocean. I had the luck to spend some years on the beautiful island of Mauritius and collected many sea shells, urchins and corals from the beach. I'm also inspired by many textures from Nature. Very often clients give me inspiration by expressing their needs and wishes, so feel free if you have any ideas or needs. Friends and clients from all walks of life are a big inspiration in my work.